When I was 11 I went a full month only eating brownies and oranges. This was also the year I stopped growing – maybe not entirely coincidence. At the time I clearly didn’t know much about nutrition, and wouldn’t for many years to come. By the time I was in high school I had moved on to eating lots of white bread bagels and sugary (fat-free) yogurt, thinking those were healthy choices. Animal crackers and skim milk were my go-to after-school snacks. If my mom baked something, I didn’t think about what was in it, I was just happy someone was baking for me at all. So when fresh-from-the-oven banana bread was presented to me, you better bet it was getting in my belly….
Every time we go out to breakfast I want eggs. And bacon. And coffee. My eyes scroll down to the omelette choices as my mind drools at the possibilities. Avocado, tomato and feta. Spinach, mushroom, and asparagus. Everything sounds so good! And then …