The Pickity Place is one of my favorite places in the world. It’s a restaurant, gift shop, greenhouse and garden all rolled into one. Situated far out in the woods of New Hampshire, the little red house has been around for hundreds of years, and was famously drawn into the story of Little Red Riding Hood as Grandma’s house. A room is permanently set up with a wolf wearing a nightgown and a bonnet, pretending to sleep in a four poster bed….
Just Get Away
I find myself yelling at strangers a lot, but only from the safety of my car with the windows rolled up. I feel like people are so much more inconsiderate and selfish than they used to be. No more please, thank you, or excuse me. They text and drive. Eat and drive. Talk on the phone and drive. They walk right into you at the grocery store like you’re not even there, and somehow it was your fault, even though they had their head down, looking at their phone.
Last weekend my dearest friend Jaki invited me to stay with her in a barn in the middle of the woods for a night. I was happy to accept, since I don’t get to spend nearly as much time with her as I’d like. I had an amazing time scooting around the barn on a Razor scooter, playing basketball (I’m terrible), and teaching myself to juggle. There was a swing on the inside of the barn with a peace sign on it, a reminder of what we probably need more of in our day-to-day.
While Jaki got ready in the morning, I went outside and took some nature photos. And then just stood still, realizing that I was alone for the first time in I don’t even know how long. And it hit me that maybe I need this. Maybe just getting away once it a while and being truly alone will help me to be a better person when I’m with others. A little more tolerant. A little more relaxed.
Jaki and I will be back at that barn in the fall.
Rapunzel, by Sarah Leahy, Age 13
My littlest brother graduated college this past weekend. For my mom, this means that she is child-free for the first time since she was 20 years old. Though I know she loved teaching us and watching us grow, she is also thoroughly enjoying the chance to focus on herself for once. She finally has time for art, one of her biggest passions, and plans to turn it into a flourishing career. She’s also decided that the middle of the woods is no place for her anymore, so she and my step-dad have decided to move to Portland (Maine, not Oregon).
Since they’ll need a whole lot less space, …
The Squeakless Wheel

I get my best ideas when I’m in the shower, and I get time to hash those ideas out while I’m running. With the abominable snowman of a winter we had in Boston, I didn’t run much for fear that an eight foot sidewalk snow pile would get me flattened by a car. That means I’ve got lots of thoughts going on that I haven’t had time to clear out of my noggin. Thankfully the white veil of winter has lifted, and I’ve got my running shoes on again.
I get my best running done at night, when it’s quiet, after a long day at work. Sometimes I…
How a Pixie Cut Changed My Life

First, let me tell you that I am in fact wearing shorts in this photo. They are light blue, and obviously small, but they are there. Now on to the story.
I chopped off all my hair during the summer after my 21st birthday. It was June, it was hot, and having to blow-dry my ultra long mane was making me sweat right out of the shower. Without much planning I drove to a mini mall near my school and told a random hairdresser to give me a pixie cut. She chopped away, and I could feel myself getting lighter as she worked. When she was done, she spun me around to the mirror, and I will never forget …